Carl's renewable energy start-up is moving forward. He loves the freedom of working on his ideas and initiatives, and he especially enjoys working with the handful of industry experts that share his enthusiasm. I am spending this academic year working on my dissertation, which I hope to defend in the Spring, and working two days each week in a psychiatric hospital doing individual and group therapy with patients with schizophrenia. 

​It was a great year to have a boat and sail for two weeks on Long island Sound and Narragansett Bay in August, when the virus was at an ebb and it felt safe to visit with special friends from Massachusetts and Shelter Island. (Even then, we spent most of the time alone and, somehow, remain married still.)

It was also a great year to welcome a new nephew to the Hale family. He dedicated his first four months to making sure there was never a dull moment, day or night! His grandfather (Eva's dad) must have been coaching him from above! 

Dear Friends and Family, 

We are so glad to look back on this past year with 2020 hindsight! It's almost over! It was a tragic and super stressful year -- and yet also strangely and guiltily comfortable. It was the year we learned to bake French bread and to make strüdel like Eva's mom. It was the year of sleeping in late and not commuting. It was the year when opening doors with your sleeve became normal, genuine smiles were seen only by those closest to us, and the eyes truly became windows to the soul. It was the year when nearly everyone -- doctors, therapists, patients, colleagues, classmates, bosses, family and friends -- became two-dimensional beings, and the distance to friends on the next block and friends on another continent felt equally vast. It was also the year of the election that wouldn't end and the transition that couldn't begin. 

In June, Charlie moved home from Los Angeles, where "everything is on fire and everyone is broke," but he was able to keep his job since he was working remotely anyway. He is living at home, saving money and has been applying to graduate schools. Caroline has finished her associates degree in computer science, which she really enjoys, and will apply to other schools this coming year to finish her undergraduate work in this field.

Narragansett Bay - August

​Carl's father turned 90 in September, and the Leighton gang celebrated at the Berkshires resort where grandma and grandpa met 70 years ago. 

Ella and new baby brother, Julian

HAPPY 2021 !!

May your 2021 be a safe, happy year for you and yours. May it be filled with good health and, as soon as safely possible, rollicking good times with friends and family!

With love,

Eva, Carl, Charlie and Caroline

(and Lego, Brio, Jinx and Bloom)