Dear Friends and Family,​

2015 was a Seinfeld kind-of year... not much happened, but it was fun.  No big trips.  No construction.  One of the good things that happened was that ConEd connected natural gas to the house just before Thanksgiving after an 18 month wait.      Oh what fun it is to... use a gas stove!  Bourgeois de vivre!  (Pun courtesy of Carl, who proves by exception that you can't pun in a language you don't speak!)​

Another good thing that happened was that Eva

This is as close as we'll get to a White Christmas this year

College life continues apace for Charlie at Bard and Caroline at Northeastern. Charlie's summer job was out in Brooklyn, which was not only cool but also cold.  He worked in an ice-cream shop, Ample Hills, one of the 10 best in the country according to the Food Network.  Despite the temptations, he has managed to keep off the 40 pounds he's lost since Freshman year.           Oh what fun it is to... have defined abs and big biceps!  Caroline continues to work in retail at Victorinox during various vacations, selling knives,  

​The winds cooperated this year and Carl spent many lovely afternoons sailing with friends old and new.  A highlight of the season was a big regatta victory, not just in his division but overall.  (Of course, it helped to have fabulous sailors on board!)  Carl continues to work in science research for the IP litigation group at Orrick.  

retired from financial services, after 27 years of early mornings and harried commutes.       Oh what fun it is to... wake up most mornings without an alarm!  Eva aced four college-level psychology courses this year and the psychology GRE.  A highlight was a great Abnormal Psychology course, which is proving ever so useful for the upcoming election.  She also found an internship at a SUNY Purchase lab that studies the effects of unconscious emotions.  Applications to PhD programs were submitted in the last few weeks.  All fingers crossed for a better outcome this year than last!       All I want for Christmas is... admission to a doctoral program!

Happy Holidays!

Eva continues to be very active with NAMI, leading support groups, presenting to high school classes, and serving on the Board of the Westchester chapter.  She has just kicked-off fundraising for the 2016 Walk and will try to retain her title as the #1 Walk fundraiser in the county.  Click on the NAMI link, donate and you won't receive another request!

watches, colognes and outerwear...  all of life's  essentials.  A college highlight this autumn was the Husky Hunt, an epic scavenger hunt.  120 teams of 10 competed to solve esoteric riddles that directed you all over Boston, Cambridge and beyond.  24 hours.  No breaks.  No cars, taxis or Ubers.  Think bicycling through Boston at 3am.  Her team, all newbies, surprised themselves with how well they did.  

In September, Carl and Eva spent a week at Acadia National Park in Maine, mostly hiking and eating but also some sailing.  It was wonderful and totally relaxed.

We hope the holidays bring you happiness with friends and family.  We wish you a peaceful and healthy 2016!

May the force be with you!

                   Carl                    Eva                    Charlie            Caroline            Lego                 Brio