For Carl, sailing is the favorite way to relax.  We finally took the plunge and bought a bigger boat.  The  

​Charlie is now a senior at Bard, finishing a degree in psychology.  Over the summer, he worked at the Kennedy Center in Connecticut, in a challenging job assisting with a group of cognitively disabled young adults. Caroline switched majors and is now studying architecture, which is a great fit for her despite being intensely hard work.

immediate motivation was to get standing room under the boom for safety's sake.  But the extra comfort is awfully nice too as we're spending more and more time on the water, with old friends and new.  Let us know if you want to go sailing on Long Island Sound with us!  We're getting sort of decent at this and, in any case, we'll bring food and wine!

Happy Holidays!

25 years of thick and thin

Dear Friends and Family,

This letter is a safe space.  There will be no mention of the election or any other bad things that happened in 2016.  Only good things.  Where to begin?  We'll begin with the best stuff.  We celebrated our 25th anniversary in June.  Boggles the mind.  Good thing I have been writing this letter every year so we can remember them all!  The two primary sources of excitement and entertainment during those years turned 21 in July.  Here they are at Thanksgiving:

P.S.  Eva is now the President of the Board of NAMI Westchester.  NAMI offers a wide variety of valuable resources to individuals living with mental illness and their families.

We hope the holidays bring you happiness with friends and family.  We wish you a peaceful and healthy 2017!

Carl, Eva, Caroline, Charlie, Brio and Lego

Charlie and Caroline

And, finally, one last good thing for those of you who haven't yet read the New York Sun editorial from 1897:

Lego and Brio continue to complicate our lives, and yet somehow we still adore them.  Since Eva is no longer working, to supplement our income we launched a new business harvesting and spinning dog hair into artisanal wool.  JK, but not for lack of raw material. Speaking of not working... Eva started her PhD in psychology at CUNY's City College.  It's a perfect fit for her, and it feels like such self-indulgence to spend time reading and thinking about stuff that is genuinely interesting.  And the pace feels deliciously sane after 28 years in banking.  One of the finer pleasures of more freedom is time spent digging in the garden, which Eva designed to be dog-proof, no small feat given the size of those paws!  (Get it !?)