Carl and Eva headed to Vancouver and the Canadian Rockies in September to bike, hike, read in the sun, taste wine and eat well. We were reminded what a stunningly beautiful planet we live on.

Carl's clean tech start-up, Hybiquity, continues to morph, and he is working to expand his portfolio of intellectual property prior to fundraising.

Carl's father died in August, a few weeks short of his 92nd birthday. He lived a life full of friendship and golf and travel. We will remember his endless charm and grace and the great joy he took in his grandchildren.

This year, we have all been reminded repeatedly just how capricious and unfair life can be. War and natural disasters have destroyed countless homes, businesses and essential infrastructure and upended the lives of the people who need them. Several

Happy 2023!

research assistant in the neuropsych department at Columbia University. He is enjoying the work, the company of his lab mates and living at 165th and Broadway, 1 block from work.

Caroline is also at Columbia, completing her BA in computer science. Her interest in design, which previously led her to major in architecture, is finding expression in an emerging interest in human/computer interaction. 

friends are battling illness or have lost someone dear to them much too young. The hurt and injustice around us make the joys of the holidays both disturbingly dissonant and such a needed reminder of the good in the world. In this spirit, we offer Eva's favorite prayer, the Serenity Prayer, along with two variations, one from Angela Davis and one posted by our favorite wine merchant (ironic as the Serenity Prayer was popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1940s).

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr 

"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept."  Angela Davis

​May 2023 bring you good luck, peace and love!

Eva  (and Carl, Charlie and Caroline

Dear Friends and Family,

It is 12°F outside and 60°F warmer inside. That alone makes us feel very lucky this Christmas. And we have much else to be grateful for. 

Eva finished her PhD and is now working as a clinical psychologist in a private practice with wonderful colleagues in Westchester. She is treating 10 couples, 8 children and 7 adults, so the work is varied and interesting. Her dissertation on depression and loneliness is finally done, and she co-authored two peer-reviewed papers on delusions of misidentification in the past year. 

Charlie completed his masters in clinical psych at Stony Brook University and is now working as a